Entry 0x10


Free time at last! I can write something meaningless once again! I've been actively thinking about the first article entry, what to include etc. but I'm at a loss for now. I don't want it to be forced — it has to be polished. I think that's all the updates about the website, it's been completely revised visually, you can see for yourself. So now, to more unorganized rambling.

As I said, it's been a very emotional and challenging year for me. 2022 that is. Still waaay better than complete shit-show that was 2021. I don't tend to do New Year resolutions. I don't find them useful, since I'm more of an ad-hoc person. I prefer more unorganized and improvised lifestyle. It may not be responsible — I don't fucking care anymore, I'm not going to pretend to have everything in-tact when I, in fact, don't have quite much in-tact. It shows by the way I write, it's all chaotic. Lately I've been even more erratic. It may be some cope mechanism that I developed. I just shut off during challenging moments. If you'd place me in some prehistoric scenario, stressful encounter with a wildlife for example, I'd be fucking dead in a second. The thing is, would I be able to assess the situation afterwards? lol.

I remember that I made an entry on a blog, completely shitting on Twitter. As much as I hate to admit it, I used it for roughly a year. Keyword — used. For my defence, to have the ability to follow my dear friend, some tech guys and artists. I didn't expect it can get any worse than it was. I ditched it completely. Everyone who still uses Twitter and has at least half-functioning brain, can see it getting worse and worse. I'm not going to explain here each point that flipped my switch. However, I'm going to predict one thing. Twitter will ultimately become even more of an echo chamber for Musk's bootlickers, he's ultimately going to use the platform to maximize the profits for all of his shitty ventures. That's how billionaires' brains work. Maybe I'm biased, maybe not, one thing that I'm certain of is that the shithole that was Twitter is unusable for me. Yes, I switched to Mastodon (big surprise, nobody expected that!) and it's good so far. I may link it some day, but not today.

I'm also closing a chapter of sorts, the next step of my education. The step after that is work in my field. It's sad, I like the NEET lifestyle. I also feel like those two gruelling years of the pandemic took away a lot of opportunities. On the other hand, I'm a shut-in, I don't mind being lonely for long periods of time. Although, it's undeniable that it still affected me, like all of us. It cured my nihilism to some extent, quite ironic. Humans are not indestructible. They are not irreplaceable. They are not infinitely intelligent and despite the vast development of technology, a pesky little virus still can bring us down. It's really humbling. We're prone to be intelligent species and vitally vulnerable at the same time, yet we still exist. It does seem Deus Ex Machina works its ways sometimes.

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