Why here?


Where do I begin? I'm rather secretive person and don't share a lot of information about myself. Kinda funny that I thought that using neocities would be a great idea to share some thoughts that I normally keep to myself. Normally I would set up some social media account like Reddit or Twitter but I thought to myself "Is this really a good idea?". The thing is, I used to have both but over time I abandoned them in search for something more enjoyable. I don't find particular interest in social media websites of modern Internet because they enable toxic behaviour in their users just to keep them engaged. I believe it's both deteriorating for the users and the content they create. Sticking to both examples I'll elaborate on what I mean by that.

Let's take Reddit as an example. I've been actively using website from 2018 to early 2020. At first, I was pleasantly surprised that it allowed somewhat semi-anonymous form of networking with other people but things started to turn sour the longer I used the app. I won't be beating around the bush it's about the awarding system. I find it really hard to take Reddit seriously when the quality of content is reflected by the amount of money people spend gilding posts they find important. What I also observed is that Reddit doesn't try to improve their platform since awarding system exits. I once got notification on my account that they'll be changing their follower policy - "soon you'll be able to see who's following who". Funny thing because they never bothered. I vividly remember the update in which they added bullshit amount of new awards and then a clone for... I guess Instagram livestreaming. Soon after that I dropped Reddit and deactivated.

Twitter, I just hate Twitter. It's rather self-explanatory that it cultivates toxic communities since it creates good amount of money for them. I think everything bad about this site has been already said: cancel culture, weird borderline illegal communities, censorship, circle-jerking marketing teams on brand accounts. Honestly elaborating more on why this site is bad would be redundant.

So with that said, let's get back to the point. Why here? The reason is quite stupid really. It's for myself, to learn to express myself, to exercise my writing skills (they got quite rusty during the Covid), to some extent to learn HTML and the most important for fun. Nothing more, nothing less so far. I also believe that creating site like that would have that aspect of secrecy that I like and because of that I don't think a lot of people will see it, but if they do, thank you for reading.

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